Recently our firm bought Lucent wireless hardware - PCI Adapter and
PCMCIA card. After unsucsessfull trying to get it work on 3.4+PAO,
I've upgraded to 5.0-CURRENT.
All hardware ssems to be detected, pccardc pccardmem 0xd4000 is ok,
but after running pccardd it says:
pccardd[166]: Card "Lucent Technologies"("WaveLAN/IEEE") matched "Lucent Technologies"
pccardd[166]: Using I/O addr 0x100, size 64
pccardd[166]: Setting config reg at offs 0x3e0 to 0x41, Reset time = 50 ms
pccardd[166]: Assigning I/O window 0, start 0x100, size 0x40 flags 0x5
/kernel: wi0: <WaveLAN/IEEE 802.11> at port 0x100-0x13f irq 7 slot 0 on pccard0
/kernel: wi0: Ethernet address: 00:60:1d:f6:cc:5d
and machine just hangs completly.
Any help would be great.
kernel config:
device card
device pcic0 at isa?
device wi
config> port pcic0 0x3e0
config> irq pcic0 5
config> iomem pcic0 0xd4000
config> q
pieces of dmesg:
pcic-pci0: <TI PCI-1225 PCI-CardBus Bridge> mem 0xea000000-0xea000fff irq 10 at device
16.0 on pci0
pcic-pci0: TI12XX PCI Config Reg: [pwr save][pci only]
pcic-pci0: Legacy address set to 0x3e0
pcic-pci1: <TI PCI-1225 PCI-CardBus Bridge> mem 0xea004000-0xea004fff irq 10 at device
16.1 on pci0
pcic-pci1: TI12XX PCI Config Reg: [pwr save][pci only]
pcic0: <VLSI 82C146> at port 0x3e0 iomem 0xd4000 irq 5 drq 0 on isa0
pcic0: management irq 5
pccard0: <PC Card bus -- kludge version> on pcic0
pccard1: <PC Card bus -- kludge version> on pcic0
pccard: card inserted, slot 0
pccard: card inserted, slot 1
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