On 2013-10-10, at 2:54 PM, Allan Jude <free...@allanjude.com> wrote:

> I've been working on the handbook section on ZFS and made certain to
> mention that, I'll have to look at improving the man page as well, but
> as far as I know, the man page is imported from IllumOS, where spares do
> work.

This is probably worthy of an in-tree man page update.  FreeBSD has a 
reputation for having highly accurate man pages, therefore people tend to take 
what they read as gospel.  Right now zpool(8) clearly spells out that hot spare 
substitution works.  When 10.0 goes live, people are going to believe that, and 
unknowingly put themselves in a position where Bad Things could happen.  Until 
zfsd goes into the tree, zpool(8) should have a warning that the hot spare 
functionality is not available under FreeBSD.

Proposed diff attached.


Index: zpool.8
--- zpool.8     (revision 255198)
+++ zpool.8     (working copy)
@@ -283,6 +283,7 @@
 For more information, see the
 .Qq Sx Hot Spares
+.Sy "(The hot spare functionality is not currently implemented on FreeBSD.)"
 .It Sy log
 A separate-intent log device. If more than one log device is specified, then
 writes are load-balanced between devices. Log devices can be mirrored. However,
@@ -425,6 +426,8 @@
 attempts to put the device online automatically. Device attach detection is
 hardware-dependent and might not be supported on all platforms.
 .Ss Hot Spares
+.Sy "(The hot spare functionality is not currently implemented on FreeBSD.)"
 .Tn ZFS
 allows devices to be associated with pools as
 .Qq hot spares .
@@ -1946,3 +1949,6 @@
 .Xr mdoc 7
 implementation of this manual page was initially written by
 .An Martin Matuska Aq m...@freebsd.org .
+Hot spare substitution awaits the import of
+.Xr zfsd 8 .

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