On Tue, 11 Apr 2000, Marcel Moolenaar wrote:
> I don't think pam is a development tool, which makes linux_devtools the
> wrong port. I also don't think we need pam in any other port if it's
> needed in only one or two situations. Since the ports use rpms, you can
> always, and are free, to install any additional rpms you want/need. It
> actually is a feature :-)
In this case, you are right.
The problem is generally that linux ports (Oracle, SAP, ...)
depend for proper work on a Linux environment not just the libs.
So where to start (just the libs) and where to end (the complete RH6.1)?
FE: Usually I get best results in compatibilty (without too much hacking
the shellscripts) when creating an linuxuser account with /compat/linux/bin/*sh
as loginshell. But since the searchpaths are the ones under /compat/linux/*
afterwards no native FreeBSD binaries are found unless specified exacly
(/usr/bin/more instead of more)...
Maybe the sollution could be putting the rpm's into (more) groups like on the
FreeBSD CD's with some interactivity like the XFree port.
Michael Reifenberger
^.*Plaut.*$, IT, R/3 Basis, GPS
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