On Wed, Oct 9, 2013 at 2:03 PM, George Mitchell <george+free...@m5p.com> wrote:
> On 10/09/13 03:20, Hans Ottevanger wrote:
>> On 10/08/13 04:31, Lyndon Nerenberg wrote:
>>> Okay folks, can we make a call about keeping the RCS tools in the base?
>>> The proponents wanting to remove RCS need to speak up and make their
>>> technical case.
>> Technically it is quite simple: I need RCS to start versioning config
>> files, even before starting any customization. I know about several
>> others who do the same (and have not yet defected to Linux).
>> I would like to see RCS to be put back into the tree for 10.0. If it
>> really -has- to be victimized by the current anti-GPL crusade, it could
>> be replaced by OpenRCS in 11.
>> And as a long time hard-core user I would appreciate if this kind of
>> changes were  performed only after at least -some- public discussion.
>> The way this change was sneaked in (though apparently with approval of
>> core@),  reminds me more of a Secret Society than of an Open Source
>> project.
>> Regards,
>> Hans
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> +1, enthusiastically.                                     -- George

+1 also to OpenRCS allthough I hate anything related to RCS/CVS with a
passion. I do however recognize the need for a simple revision control
system in the base, svnlite would fill the need maybe but it's good to
have other options too.

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