On Mon, Oct 07, 2013 at 06:32:21PM -0700, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> On 10/7/13 6:30 PM, Steve Kargl wrote:
> >...
> >PS: As noted, the code is GPL.  There has been an effort
> >to remove GPL code from FreeBSD (whether prudent or not).
> That plus the age of the code is good enough reason to ditch it! huzzah!
> Plus we can make RCSBSD along with it.

Is such a project underway?  I.e. an RCS of some kind from FreeBSD?

OpenBSD went through this a while ago and use OpenRCS -- is that even
remotely appropriate for use in FreeBSD?  

>From reading most of both thread(s), it seems there's at least some
interest in keeping an RCS in base; whether it's the status quo RCS
(w/GPL) doesn't seem to be strictly required, as long as whichever RCS
is available in base is (mostly?) compatible with status quo RCS.

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