:>     (No, this fix alone isn't enough to do an oracle install, it's just too
:>     grungy a beast).
:In 1999Q2 I did an install of Oracle8i, which failed due to an installer
:problem, IIRC. I only modified 1 script to overcome the shell execution
:problem. You are using Blackdown JDK, are you?
:Marcel Moolenaar

    Yes.  I've managed to get oracle-8i installed on FreeBSD under linux
    emulation, but it was a chore.  It took 30 hours before I was able to
    figure it out from a combination of playing around and locating the
    redhat install support documents on oracle's site.

    Basically I had to take the linux_base port, and then chroot into
    /usr/compat/linux and install the rpm's for most of redhat, including
    the compiler environment, and the ld.so and ldd piece from slackware
    (because redhat's is broken under emulation).  On the upside, this 
    actually worked - I have a nearly complete linux environment 
    (fortunately oracle does not require /proc or /dev in general), I was
    able to download and install the linux jre 1.1.6 (which oracle requires),
    and I was able to get most of oracle installed.  Unfortunately, half 
    the oracle Java assistants still don't work.  Fortunately the base 
    binaries work and I was able to create databases.  Unfortunately, the
    oracle install process is fragile and a chore - you screwup, you start

    I can't say I'm impressed.  Oracle itself is a very complete relational
    database, but their replication capabilities suck.  They only do 
    non-quorum fully synchronous replication or non-quorum fully 
    asynchronous replication.  They do not do quorum synchronous replication
    (which means that if you have 10 replicated sites in a multi-master
    configuration, and one goes down, you are screwed), and they don't
    support asynchronous (to the transaction) commits in a replicated 
    environment (where basically a site sends the phase-2 commit
    acknowledgement before actually committing the physical data, which makes
    transactions go a whole lot faster without sacrificing much, if any,
    data integrity).  Also, Oracle's replication is built out of SQL
    procedures and triggers and is very, *VERY* fragile.  If you make
    one mistake running management commands, you screw the whole cluster.

                                        Matthew Dillon 
                                        <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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