On Thu, Sep 26, 2013 at 11:26:48AM +0200, O. Hartmann wrote:
> I try my first steps with "unbound" on most recent current and snealing
> through the web I find interesting things and howto's. But I realise if
> I'd like to replace my office's DNS server (based on BIND as it was
> part of the FreeBSD world) I run into a serious problem regarding the

The unbound included in base is really only ment as a local resolver for
the host only.  If you want to serve machines outside localhost, it is
recommended to install bind, unbound, or any other server from ports.


> zone- and authorative files keeping all the PTR and A records. As I can
> see in the unbound.conf, the statements of those files (address to name
> resolution, name to address resolution) is now somehow hard coded into
> unbound.conf via those appropriate config tags like local-zone and
> local-data. Since I have some larger files defining a local domain,
> I'd expect having a data file to be loaded.
> Maybe I'm wrong, eventually someone can send me short notice whether
> external file load is possible or not.
> Thanks in advance,
> Oliver

Erwin Lansing                                    http://droso.dk
er...@freebsd.org                        http:// www.FreeBSD.org

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