> Ciao!
> I've upgraded my system from 3.4 to 4.0-stable last night, with new /dev
> and new /etc but now I'm getting these errors:
> rey:~/Sources/gnustep/core/base> uname -a
> FreeBSD rey.procom2.it 4.0-STABLE FreeBSD 4.0-STABLE #0: Fri Apr 7 01:02:03
> CEST 2000
>[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/mnt/amy/lpub/freebsd/usr/obj/mnt/amy/lpub/freebsd/usr/src/sys/rey
> i386
> rey:/usr/home/mirko> top
> top: nlist failed
> rey:/usr/home/mirko> vmstat
> vmstat: undefined symbols:
> _cp_time _kmemstatistics _bucket _zlist
I heard rumors that this problem occurs when you doesn't use /boot/loader to boot your
kernel. If so, it is bad practice and totally unsupported. Some day you wouldn't be
even boot it this way.
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