Just do a
make DESTDIR=/mnt/installdir installworld
Thanks & Best Regards,
Yu Guo
Lotus Development, China PD
Tel: +86-10-68025588 ext 603
Andrzej Bialecki
Sent by: cc: (bcc: Yu Guo/PEK/Lotus)
owner-freebsd-current@F Subject: Installworld to
00-04-06 02:25 AM
Is it possible to do an installworld not to / of existing system, but to,
say, subdirs somewhere, which could be mountpoints for another disk?
Something like:
The reason I'm asking is that I'm looking for a method to easily
clone/upgrade a bunch of servers without having to do 'make world' on all
of them. I'm not satisfied either with using dd - the machines are not
identical, there are some bits and pieces of config specific to each
machine. So far the best method was to do a make world, but it becomes
more and more a nuisance and waste of time...
Andrzej Bialecki
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