6 aug 2013 kl. 08:05 skrev Bryan Venteicher <bry...@daemoninthecloset.org>:

> ----- Original Message -----
>> Perhaps not, but they do support FreeBSD. I've started several support cases
>> with FreeBSD-specific problems and they've fixed all so far.
> Yes, it is not a blackhole of support. At $JOB, we got caught by the FreeBSD
> specific issue of the busted timer that was fixed. But they've less helpful
> in other regards, and have more or less said FreeBSD isn't high in their
> priority because it isn't Linux.
>> Are you aiming at completely replacing VMware tools, or just the device
>> drivers?
> I'd like as much as possible to work out of the box. vmxnet3 is as far as
> my current interests go. OpenBSD has a vmt device that apparently does (at
> least the important bits of) what vmtoolsd does; I'll look at that closer
> at some point.

Cool. I didn't know about vmt. I read the CVS log in the OpenBSD tree and it 
seems to do most of what I need. Having all this working out of the box 
(without VMware
Tools installed) would be most welcome.

…but I guess VMware would consider this an unsupported configuration or 
something like
that, which sucks if/when I need to contact their support.

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