At 12:21 PM -0700 2000/4/5, Alfred Perlstein wrote:
> Last I checked, doing so is dangerous because by default the userland
> components of vinum have debugging on which is incompatible with
> a kernel running vinum without debug (the default when linked in).
Correct, I believe that this is still an issue.
> So you must also relink your vinum utilities without debug and install
> them or you won't be able to use vinum.
IMO, it would be better to make the changes so that the kernel
components of vinum are built with debugging turned on, so that they
are compatible with the userland components.
For someone that is working with vinum in this period of time,
and contemplating using it as a built-in part of the kernel, I do not
believe that this would be too hard.
Of course, I would not do this on a normal basis, just during the
current difficulties while certain bugs are tracked down and fixed.
These are my opinions -- not to be taken as official Skynet policy
Brad Knowles, <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> || Belgacom Skynet SA/NV
Systems Architect, Mail/News/FTP/Proxy Admin || Rue Colonel Bourg, 124
Phone/Fax: +32-2-706.13.11/12.49 || B-1140 Brussels || Belgium
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