For those following along, it's definately kue-related.
On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 06:40:22PM -0400, Christopher Masto wrote:
> Next time I get a chance, I'll try:
> Filesystem-intensive activity without using kue at all, then a
> reboot and fsck.
Tested, absolutely no problems. In fact, I'm writing this from the
i-opener (running ppp).
> Loading kue as a module.
Same disaster. Instant filesystem damage if I use the maching at all
with kue up.
> Simulating the i-opener situation with my laptop.
Haven't tried yet.. it's nearly 4AM.
> Getting more details on the kernel panic.
Haven't managed a panic this time around.
I'm still stumped as to what exactly is going on.. whether kue is
corrupting random memory, or umass's buffers.. I may just try to find
an aue-based adapter to try.
Christopher Masto Senior Network Monkey NetMonger Communications
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