Hi Ben :)
On Tue, Apr 04, 2000 at 05:41:05PM -0400, a little birdie told me
that Ben Rosengart remarked
> Hello all,
> I am running a 5.0-CURRENT system cvsup'd this afternoon, and sshd is
> not working for me. When I try to start it, I get the following:
> ** RSA_PKCS1: Unable to find an RSA implemenation shared library.
> ** Install either the USA (librsaINTL.so) or International (librsaUSA.so)
> ** RSA library on your system and run this program again.
(Aren't those filenames reversed? Just a hunch...)
> I have rsaref-2.0 installed from ports, and I have USA_RESIDENT=YES and
> RSAREF=YES defined in /etc/make.conf. I've cvsupped from a new vanilla
> standard-supfile, using the cvs-crypto collection.
Don't know how much I can say beyond that. I've put together a few
post-ssh systems (4.0-R, -CURRENT), and haven't had any trouble after I
remembered to install the crypto dists.
FreeBSD mortis.sighup.org 5.0-CURRENT FreeBSD 5.0-CURRENT #0:
Tue Mar 14 03:49:39 CST 2000
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/usr/src/sys/compile/MORTIS i386
(ttypb):{54}% ll /usr/lib/librs*
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 6358 Mar 14 04:03 /usr/lib/librsaUSA.a
lrwxr-xr-x 1 root wheel 14 Mar 14 04:03 /usr/lib/librsaUSA.so@ -> librsaUSA.so.1
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 8080 Mar 14 04:03 /usr/lib/librsaUSA.so.1
-r--r--r-- 1 root wheel 7122 Mar 14 04:03 /usr/lib/librsaUSA_p.a
Matthew Fuller (MF4839) | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Unix Systems Administrator | [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Specializing in FreeBSD | http://www.over-yonder.net/
"The only reason I'm burning my candle at both ends, is because I
haven't figured out how to light the middle yet"
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