On 20.04.13 18:05, Steven Hartland wrote:
> When trying to boot an alternative kernel from the loader prompt
> it fails the first time the command is run but succeeds the second
> time.
> Type '?' for a list of commands, 'help' for more detailed help.
> OK boot kernel.generic
> Booting...
> don't know how to load module '/boot/kernel.generic/kernel'
> OK boot kernel.generic
> Booting...
> /boot/kernel.generic/kernel text=0xd21288 data=......

Yes, I've been seeing the same thing for about 6-12 months maybe more.
None of the people I asked were able to confirm, so I'm happy that I'm
not imagining it :)

I see this on serial as well as on the normal console in front of a PC.


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