On Sunday, 2 April 2000 at 17:42:16 +0200, Bernd Walter wrote:
> On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 01:50:16AM +0200, Bernd Walter wrote:
>> On Sun, Apr 02, 2000 at 01:15:39AM +0200, Bernd Walter wrote:
>>> Greg - I'm using vinums raid5 code since months now for FreeBSDs CVS-Tree on
>>> 7x 200M disks - it does not hang for me since a long time.
>>> The latest current I tested R5 well is from 19th March on alpha. That's shortly
>>> before PHKs changes - I don't beleave that it introduced something new.
>>> The only problem with R5 I know of is parity corruption because of a bug in
>>> lockrange() for which I've already send you a fix. Even it is a general bug it
>>> seems only to cause problems together with softupdates.
>> Ops - I oversaw that this happened with a recent current.
>> The best I can say is that it is likely that it happened after the 19th March.
> I build a recent current and tested it with R5 and still don't see any hangs.
> Unfortunately I don't have a toy i386 system ready and testet on alpha.
> There may be some differences how data corruptions efects on this platform.
I found a potentially serious bug in the RAID calculations yesterday:
it assumed that sizeof (int) == 4. I suspect that it would just slow
down the calculations, but in any case I've fixed it.
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