On Mon, Apr 15, 2013 at 09:48:20PM -0400, Outback Dingo wrote:
> Okay I must be loosing it since the change over to svn, and loosing cvsup
> where can i find the last commit to HEAD ?

A couple of Web-oriented sources of information:

* <http://docs.freebsd.org/mail/current/svn-src-head.html>, which (as of
  this writing) refers to "Apr 15 Andrey V. Elsukov   svn commit:
  r249528 - head/sys/netinet6".

* <http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/head/>, which (again, as of this
  writing) mentions "Directory revision:        249528 (of 249529)".

> and is it correct to use
> svn co http://svn.freebsd.org/base/head/ for 10.0-CURRENT srcs

Mostly, though we now have some official mirrors, as well; you might want
to consider using one of those.  And per
https is recommended for "anonymous checkout", e.g.:
"svn co https://svn0.us-west.FreeBSD.org/base/head /usr/src"

> making the last commit rev  249529

As of this writing, that was the last commit to the src repository.
However, that commit was to the "user" part of the repo, not to head.
(Ref. <http://svnweb.freebsd.org/base/>.)

> and as for 9.x i thought releng was what brought updates to the 9 tree

releng/* is equivalent to the old RELENG_* CVS branches -- that is,
RELEASE_* + patches/commits to address security advisories.

This is *not* what you want for "new features" (such as support for a
device that wasn't supported in RELEASE).

> so why stable look like theres more current work, or is that going to
> become
> the life of 9.2 ....

That's exactly the same as it was under CVS: "stable/*" is a development
branch, and that *does* get "new features" (ideally, all MFCed from
head), and (as of this writing) stable/9 is where code is committed that
will eventually become release/9.2.0, then releng/9.2.

> trying to refresh my memory here!

I hope that helps a bit.

David H. Wolfskill                              da...@catwhisker.org
Taliban: Evil men with guns afraid of truth from a 14-year old girl.

See http://www.catwhisker.org/~david/publickey.gpg for my public key.

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