On 2013-02-27 20:25, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
> I have installed snapshot
> FreeBSD-9.1-STABLE-amd64-20130223-r247167-release.iso
> # traceroute ftp.freebsd.org
> 3 failures : traceroute : unknown host ftp.freebsd.org
> 2 successes :
> Route is Izmir ( Turkey ) -> Frankfurt -> New York -> San Jose ->
> freebsd.isc.org ( )
> and pkg_add is not able to find package site .
> Perhaps for many tries it may find in some of the tries , but this will not
> be a feasible way .

Does Turkey (or your ISP) have any sort of great firewall or other
restrictions on network traffic?  Do you have a firewall somewhere?
I have no trouble reaching www.freebsd.org and ftp.freebsd.org from 3
different ASes using both IPv4 and IPv6.
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