On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 08:40:44PM +0100, O. Hartmann wrote:
> Am 02/21/13 16:28, schrieb Shawn Webb:
> > I'm on r247095. My box is failing to boot on a Dell Precision T7500. I'm
> > running ZFS as root with a mirrored root pool.
> > 
> > Here's a pic of the box failing:
> > https://lh5.googleusercontent.com/-Lq_jlX8of0o/USY4cqZ5BOI/AAAAAAAAGoI/Nd1LGPbFjHc/s1112/IMG_20130221_100723.jpg
> > 
> > There isn't much useful information in the pic. No crash dump is generated.
> > Where do I go from here?
> > 
> > I can boot into kernel.old and that works as a workaround for now.
> > 
> > Thanks,
> > 
> > Shawn
> Well, I guess you faced the same problem I reported in two days ago. I
> have this crash on ALL(!) of my FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT boxes, which use
> CLANG as the default compiler as well as setting CXXFLAGS+=
>  -stdlib=libc++
> CXXFLAGS+=              -std=c++1
> The working kernel on those boxes is
> FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r246949: Mon Feb 18 22:20:30 CET 2013/amd64
> On our Intel Core2Duo (Q6600/E8400) boxes the crash looks like yours in
> the picture, but sometimes there is "trap 18" or "trap 16" instead of
> the cryptic signs.
> On a more modern Ivy-Bridge i3-3220, I get blinking, funky funny clock
> characters on the screen - this box uitilizes as a server the Intel iGPU
> of the CPU.
> Since I use customized kernels, I tried to start with the official
> GENERIC kernel and disabling every setting in /boot/loader.conf, but the
> result is even with such a setting the same - all boxes crashes with the
> kernel sources >  r246949.
> I also tried to enable the debugging features in the customized kernel
> (as they are enabled in the GENERIC), but there is no chance to get any
> backtrace, the kernel simply gets stuck or - on the mentioned box with
> the ivy Bridge, simply blinking funnily as a home computer in the late 80s.
> Sorry for being unable to report more substantial facts on that.

The supposed fix was committed as r247117.

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