On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:14 AM, Daniel Kalchev <dan...@digsys.bg> wrote:

> On 21.02.13 15:04, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk wrote:
>> Dear All ,
>> During development of FreeBSD , testing is very vital .
>> To my knowledge ( which may not be correct ) , at present ,
>> Tinderbox is used to only compilation correctness ,
>> means "Syntax" is tested .
>> I have downloaded
>> ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/**FreeBSD/snapshots/amd64/amd64/**
>> ISO-IMAGES/10.0/FreeBSD-10.0-**CURRENT-amd64-20130216-**
>> r246877-release.iso<ftp://ftp.freebsd.org/pub/FreeBSD/snapshots/amd64/amd64/ISO-IMAGES/10.0/FreeBSD-10.0-CURRENT-amd64-20130216-r246877-release.iso>
>> and tried to install it on an Intel DG965WH main board .
>> During the first booting , it generated a panic message and entered into
>> debug mode .
>> For me it has crashed , because I do not know what to do in debug mode .
>> On this main board , it is possible to completely install and successfully
>> run
>> Windows 7 ,
>> Fedora 15 , 17 , 18 ,
>> Mageia
>> OpenSuSE
> I stopped right here. None of the software you compare FreeBSD-current to
> is an development build. On the other hand, you downloaded an cutting-edge
> development build of FreeBSD (not released software) and expected it to be
> stable. It is not. This is why it is not released. It might not always
> break, but it might also damage your data and (possibly) hardware too.
> Unless you agree to accept these risks, you should not play with
> development versions of software.
> Having said that, the DG965WH is quite old hardware and any stable version
> of FreeBSD should work just fine there. You are unlikely to see any benefit
> of the unreleased versions that are still in development, such as
> supporting "very new" hardware etc.
> Sorry if any of this sounds too hard, but it is reflecting reality. This
> mailing list, freebsd-current exists to facilitate discussion between
> those, who know they are running highly unstable, still in development
> version of FreeBSD that needs lots of work to become more stable.
> Daniel

I will not support your views . My main idea is to describe how we can help
to improve FreeBSD testing .

The problem is " A snapshot intended for testing , is NOT able to boot." .

If you ask , do I know what I am doing : My answer is I am working in
computing since 1970 .

Thank you very much .

Mehmet Erol Sanliturk
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