On 18 Feb 2013 18:42, "Jeffrey Bouquet" <jeffreybouq...@yahoo.com> wrote:
> --- On Mon, 2/18/13, Chris Rees <utis...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> From: Chris Rees <utis...@gmail.com>
>> Subject: Re: Is there an easy way to find out which port loads which library?
>> To: "Jeffrey Bouquet" <jeffreybouq...@yahoo.com>
>> Cc: "FreeBSD Mailing List" <freebsd-po...@freebsd.org>
>> Date: Monday, February 18, 2013, 1:01 AM
>> On 18 Feb 2013 05:35, "Jeffrey Bouquet" <jeffreybouq...@yahoo.com> wrote:
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> >
>> > >Subject: Re: Is there an easy way to find out which port loads which
>> library?
>> >
>> > >Bernard Higonnet wrote:
>> >
>> > > Is there a simple, direct, complete, and unequivocal way to find out
>> > > which port(s) install which libraries?
>> >
>> > >Something like this perhaps?
>> > ># grep libfoobar.so /usr/ports/*/*/pkg-plist
>> >
>> > >AvW
>> >
>> > None of these replies mention
>> > pkg which /usr/local/lib/libfoobar.so
>> > pkg_which /usr/local/lib/libfoobar.so
>> > ...
>> > I typically use one or both (still using /var/db/pkg after running pkg2ng
>> once a
>> > long time ago...)
>> >Why???
>> >Chris
>> Unsure of the question.
>> Why did I run pkg2ng?  I was uncognizant of all the immediate consequences.
>> Why did I revert?  Not ready to make /var/db/pkg disappear until I've seen
>> guides explaining the new usages which fit the present workflow here...
>> Why do not I implement it at this time?  I've still too much to do in the 
>> short term
>> on a daily basis vs. implement anything new until I am one of the *last* to 
>> do so, so I would do it in the quickest and most expedient manner.
>> pkg_delete -f /var/db/pkg/rubygem-mime-types-1.19 && pkg_add 
>> rubygem-mime-types-1.21.tbz.
>> I don't have to know the 1.19 (the shell does).  I do not recall anyone 
>> mentioning how the
>> equivalent would work in a pkg system.  They may have, but if it was a 
>> reply, I
>> archived it somewhere, as I would prefer to switch all the machines I use 
>> weekly
>> all at once, and prefer to wait as long as expedient.

You can use pkg delete -x rubygem-mime-types, or pkg update && pkg
upgrade is really what you need there.

>> That works on legacy laptops as well as modern 4-core CPU, aided by the 
>> shell doing expansion, and I can type it without thinking, aided by the 
>> shell.
>> The subdirectory is directly available to grep, awk, less... without an .so.
>> I've not yet had time to implement a /var/db/pkg/ on  a machine running pkg
>> (by script maybe) so that it could continue.

Man pkg-query, but see below.

>> I've posted several times why the progress of /pkg/ has not been shown to 
>> [1] not slow down the workflow to which I am accustomed to upgrade multiple 
>> machines has not been reliably demonstrated... and edge cases in which the 
>> legacy method is
>> preferable.  Unfortunately, I ran out of time a long time ago to respond 
>> more in
>> depth; my views on the matter are scattered in the lists archives and forum 
>> archives
>> [further content redacted so as to not waste anyone's time.]

Shell autocomplete should be pretty easy to implement should you
choose, but given that many of the steps you describe are automated
anyway, it's hard to see any real advantage to manually manipulating
the data!

Rather than describing your current methods, you may be better off (in
a new thread) describing the *outcomes* that you would like, and we
can help you achieve them.

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