On Sat, 16 Feb 2013, Erich Dollansky wrote:
I did this to get a disk partitioned:
gpart destroy -F da0
diskinfo da0
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=512 count=34
dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=512 count=34 seek=312581774
Someone here on the lists (I unfortunately forget who) showed a sneaky
easier way to do this:
gpart destroy -F da0
gpart create -s gpt da0
gpart destroy -F da0
gpart show -p da0
gpart create -s MBR da0
gpart add -t freebsd da0
gpart show -p da0
gpart show -p da0s1
gpart set -a active -i 1 da0
# The following line always gives an error:
# gpart create -s BSD da0s1
'destroy' is not recursive. It destroys the geom found on the device
given, but does not write to any geoms inside those geoms.
MBR/bsdlabel puts FreeBSD partitions inside MBR slices.
So da0 has been erased, but the bsdlabel blocks for da0s1 are still
present. If you recreate da0, da0s1 will magically reappear.
Destroy the FreeBSD disklabel stuff in the slices first:
gpart destroy -F da0s1
Or instead, use GPT partitioning to avoid dealing with the problem of
one type of partitions inside a different type of partitions. GPT makes
disk partitioning a lot easier.
The second part of your question, about da0 starting a block zero:
[X220]...Appl/Some Tools (root) > gpart show da0
=> 63 312581745 da0 MBR (149G)
63 312581745 1 freebsd [active] (149G)
[X220]...Appl/Some Tools (root) > gpart show da0s1
=> 0 312581745 da0s1 BSD (149G)
0 312581745 - free - (149G)
That shows slice one starts at block 63, standard for MBR. The space
inside the slice (da0s1) starts at block 0 *of the slice*.
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