On 29-Mar-00 Lauri Laupmaa wrote:
> Hi
> Who and when should update/fix subj. ?
> Our parliament decided that estonia does not change to DST 
> anymore and forgot to mention it to MS and other OS 
> manufacturers :) 
> so info for Europe/Tallinn is wrong and our little state is full of 
> computers with wrong time :(
> Help!
> _____________
> Lauri Laupmaa
> +3725013369
> To Unsubscribe: send mail to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> with "unsubscribe freebsd-stable" in the body of the message

A quick search of Google/BSD reveals that NetBSD is current on
zoneinfo data.  At least 5 country files (africa, asia, australasia,
europe, northamerica, southamerica) were updated in the NetBSD
zoneinfo sources on March 18, 2000.  It appears that FreeBSD has
not picked up these changes yet (don't know about Debian or RedHat),
and does not distribute the zoneinfo data sources in any case (at
least, they don't seem to be on my machine).

The source file for europe (containing Estonia) may be found at


Here is the excerpt from that file for Estonia:

------ cut here -------
# Estonia
# From Peter Ilieve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (1994-10-15):
# A relative in Tallinn confirms the accuracy of the data for 1989 onwards
# [through 1994] and gives the legal authority for it,
# a regulation of the Government of Estonia, No. 111 of 1989....
# From Peter Ilieve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (1996-10-28):
# [IATA SSIM (1992/1996) claims that the Baltic republics switch at 01:00s,
# but a relative confirms that Estonia still switches at 02:00s, writing:]
# ``I do not [know] exactly but there are some little different
# (confusing) rules for International Air and Railway Transport Schedules
# conversion in Sunday connected with end of summer time in Estonia....
# A discussion is running about the summer time efficiency and effect on
# human physiology.  It seems that Estonia maybe will not change to
# summer time next spring.''

# From Peter Ilieve <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> (1998-11-04), heavily edited:
# <a 
# The 1998-09-22 Estonian time law
# </a>
# refers to the Eighth Directive and cites the association agreement between
# the EU and Estonia, ratified by the Estonian law (RT II 1995, 22--27, 120).
# I also asked [my relative] whether they use any standard abbreviation
# for their standard and summer times. He says no, they use "suveaeg"
# (summer time) and "talveaeg" (winter time).

# From <a href="http://www.baltictimes.com/">The Baltic Times</a> (1999-09-09)
# via Steffen Thorsen:
# This year will mark the last time Estonia shifts to summer time,
# a council of the ruling coalition announced Sept. 6....
# But what this could mean for Estonia's chances of joining the European
# Union are still unclear.  In 1994, the EU declared summer time compulsory
# for all member states until 2001.  Brussels has yet to decide what to do
# after that. 

# From Mart Oruaas (2000-01-29):
# Regulation no. 301 (1999-10-12) obsoletes previous regulation
# no. 206 (1998-09-22) and thus sticks Estonia to +02:00 GMT for all
# the year round.  The regulation is effective 1999-11-01.

# Zone  NAME            GMTOFF  RULES   FORMAT  [UNTIL]
Zone    Europe/Tallinn  1:39:00 -       LMT     1880
                        1:39:00 -       TMT     1918 Feb # Tallinn Mean Time
                        1:00    C-Eur   CE%sT   1919 Jul
                        1:39:00 -       TMT     1921 May
                        2:00    -       EET     1940 Aug  6
                        3:00    -       MSK     1941 Sep 15
                        1:00    C-Eur   CE%sT   1944 Sep 22
                        3:00    Russia  MSK/MSD 1989 Mar 26 2:00s
                        2:00    1:00    EEST    1989 Sep 24 2:00s
                        2:00    C-Eur   EE%sT   1998 Sep 22
                        2:00    EU      EE%sT   1999 Nov  1
                        2:00    -       EET

-------- end cut -------

You will note the addition for Estonia's new regulation effective
Nov 1 last year.

Machines which use "zoneinfo" need a 'compiled' form of the file.
You should be able to grab the data source file from the ftp URL
above, run 'zic' on it to produce a new compiled file for Tallinn
for each system type, and distribute the new files for a quick fix
on machines to which you have access.

'zic' is in section 8 of the manuals.

Duane H. Hesser

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