On 28 Mar, George Neville-Neil wrote:

> 1) How do I do development and not overwrite my work when cvsup'ing?

See 3).

> 3) Is there a guide on using CVS with CVSup (the man page is not particularly
> helpful) so that I can have a CVS tree that is updated by cvsup?

See /usr/share/examples/cvsup/{,secure-}cvs-supfile:
 - "prefix" should be set to a directory with enough space to hold the
   repository (e.g. "/big_disk/FreeBSD-CVS").
 - at the moment it needs ~800MB (src~=620MB, ports~=180MB), if you also
   want doc and www it needs ~900MB.
 - remove your /usr/src, set the CVSROOT variable
   ("/big_disk/FreeBSD-CVS") and check the source out ("cvs co src").
Add "CVS_UPDATE=yes" to your make.conf (and remove "SUP_UPDATE") and a
"make update" in /usr/src uses your private CVS repository to update the


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