On 12/7/2012 12:31 PM, CeDeROM wrote:
Hello :-)
After days of problem with my system storage (?) I think I have located the
issue, or at least I am able to reproduce it, please take a look at
attached picture (photo of a crash).
At first I thought that was the Ext2 filesystem issue, but then I have
replaced the filesystem to UFS2-SU+J (which increased transfer efficiency
and dramatically reduced filesystem check time compared to Ext2) but the
issue persisted. This problem occurs also when only / is mounted (no
additional storage locations only the OS). This can mean there is a
corruption on / that is marked clean.
Right now I am not sure if this is storage related anymore... there is
however some note on ffs double alloc. Crash occurs after I start Xorg
(Kde3 WM, all packages installed from binary packages with portinstall).
Please let me know if you need additional information/tests :-)
Best regards :-)
I could be blind, but I do not see any attachment. Best to upload it to
an image-sharing site, and then post the link anyway.
How have you ruled out a hardware issue? Just because it works fine
under another OS doesn't necessarily mean that the hardware is fine,
just that other OS may not probe/use/access it in exactly the same manner.
Chuck Burns <brea...@gmail.com>
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