In message <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> Sheldon Hearn writes:
: I'd like to propose that everyone confine such answers to private mail.

No.  I'm going to continue to do it publicly.

: 1) Folks who _do_ read UPDATING aren't further inconvenienced by
:    multiple "see UPDATING" replies.

'd' works well :-).  I keep the messages short, and to the point.

: 2) Instead, the folks who didn't read UPDATING suffer this
:    inconvenience.  It's an excellent learning opportunity for these
:    people, since multiple "see UPDATING" replies are likely to help them
:    remember for next time.

This would be true a higher percentage of people were actually reading 
UPDATING before posting.  Seeing a simple "See UPDATING: XXXX" keeps
the file in the public eye and thus encourages people to look there
and let me know when things are wrong.

It also tends to self regulate the UPDATING usage.  As usage falls,
more messages are likely to appear on the list, to which the see
updating replies happen, which causes usage to rise again.

:    This is akin to jmb's preference for allowing misdirected subscribe
:    and unsubscribe requests onto the list. ;-)
: You like?  Yes? No?

I don't like.


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