I have a machine running "FreeBSD 10.0-CURRENT #0 r240887" amd64 with two 
ConnectX (InfiniBand) cards. Relevant bits of dmesg and pciconf -lv below. The 
cards are connected directly to a 10GB Ethernet switch so I need to run them in 
"eth" mode rather than "ib". Unfortunately they come up in "ib" mode and I 
don't know how to change it.

The same hardware works fine under CentOS 6.3, though I need to manually set 
the cards to 'eth' there as well (which I do using a 'connectx_port_config 
script from Mellanox that twiddles the mlx4_port1 entries under /sys (sysfs). 
Under FreeBSD I see these sysctls but I can't set them to 'eth' either via 
/boot/loader.conf or by sysctl after boot, with or without mlxen and/or mlx4ib 
sys.device.mlx4_core0.mlx4_port1: ib
sys.device.mlx4_core1.mlx4_port1: ib

Assuming mlxen is actually supported, how do I configure the card so it will 

mlx4_core0: <mlx4_core> mem 0xdfa00000-0xdfafffff,0xdd800000-0xddffffff irq 32 
at device 0.0 on pci4
mlx4_core: Mellanox ConnectX core driver v1.0-ofed1.5.2 (August 4, 2010)
mlx4_core: Initializing mlx4_core
mlx4_en: Mellanox ConnectX HCA Ethernet driver v1.5.2 (July 2010)
mlx4_en mlx4_core0: UDP RSS is not supported on this device.
mlx4_core1: <mlx4_core> mem 0xdf900000-0xdf9fffff,0xdd000000-0xdd7fffff irq 42 
at device 0.0 on pci7
mlx4_core: Initializing mlx4_core

mlx4_core0@pci0:4:0:0:  class=0x0c0600 card=0x002215b3 chip=0x673c15b3 rev=0xb0 
    vendor     = 'Mellanox Technologies'
    device     = 'MT26428 [ConnectX VPI PCIe 2.0 5GT/s - IB QDR / 10GigE]'
    class      = serial bus
mlx4_core1@pci0:7:0:0:  class=0x028000 card=0x001715b3 chip=0x100315b3 rev=0x00 
    vendor     = 'Mellanox Technologies'
    device     = 'MT27500 Family [ConnectX-3]'
    class      = network



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