On Thu, Mar 23, 2000 at 11:46:57AM -0500, Sean O'Connell wrote:
> J McKitrick stated:
> > I'm not sure if this belongs on -stable or -current.  Has anyone taken
> > a look at the timeout problem in the parallel port zip driver?
> Have you tried backing vpo.c down to 1.19 (1.20 was committed
> on 23 Jan).  There was also a fairly large commit on 14 Jan.
> Have you emailed the author (nsouch)?

No, and no.  I'm not quite sure about how to 'back out' changes.  But
the real reason i didn't take a similar approach is because someone
else i am corresponding with about this said the vpo code doesn't seem
to be the culprit.  He thinks it's the da code, possibly.  And once he
started wading around in that, he said it's been gutted, so he felt a
quick fix would be unlikely. 

I should email the author, however.

Jonathon McKitrick -- [EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Pure... unrefined... spice....

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