
On 07 June 2012 12:17:14 Daniel Kalchev wrote:
> On 07.06.12 02:09, Erich wrote:
> >> Those "minor" issues are, having the recent mess in front of my eyes, a
> >> simple "negative exaggeration". What is that "price worth", if the
> >> system is faulting and rendered useless or partially useless?
> >>
> > just do what was recommended in this thread: wait.
> >
> > Tell this ones to a commercial client. They will use words on you for which 
> > use you get a life ban on this list.
> If you are not qualified enough to handle issues like this, you would be 
> better to avoid offering your "integration services" to anyone. Or, of 
> you dare to -- you fully deserve those people yelling at you, or worse..
> Those who use FreeBSD to offer integration services and are qualified do 
> not whine, neither they wait. Those people do what the promised to do: 
> provide the customer with the requested solution.
> No, you are not born with prior knowledge of how ports work on FreeBSD, 
> it takes lots of time, effort and discipline to learn. You either invest 
> in learning the basic skills required to offer your services to others, 
> or you go play elsewhere.
this is precisely the kind of answer which stops people from using FreeBSD.

Thank you for repelling more people and keeping the user base small.

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