On 2012-Feb-26, 11:48, O. Hartmann wrote:
> On 02/23/12 14:38, Eduardo Morras wrote:
> > At 12:22 23/02/2012, O. Hartmann wrote:
> > Codelite, i use it and works fine (Freebsd 8.2) with Clang. Version on
> > ports is 3.0 not 3.5. On the webpage you have information about how to
> > configure for use with clang/llvm.
> Codelite looks nice. But why is codelite setup in editors/codelite and
> not in devel/codelite as other IDEs?
> By the way, do all IDEs supported by FreeBSD suffer from being outdated
> and aged eons? CodeLite 3.5 is at this very moment the most recent
> version and claims to provide a much better LLVM/CLANG support.
> Hope I can convince the maintainer by sending a PR ;-)

I am working on an update to codelite to 3.5.5375. However, it contains
a lot of Linux specific things that I'll need to track down before I can
commit the update. In particular, clang/llvm support and the database
designer components are causing me problems.

Anyway, the updated version will hit the ports tree within several days.

Pietro Cerutti
The FreeBSD Project

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