On Feb 22, 2012, at 1:22 AM, Alexander Leidinger wrote:

> Quoting Scott Long <sco...@samsco.org> (from Tue, 21 Feb 2012 17:45:04 -0700):
>> On Feb 21, 2012, at 7:56 AM, Alexander Leidinger wrote:
>>> Hi,
>>> is there a specific reason that the following NICs are not (or shall not 
>>> be) in GENERIC (at least on i386)?
>>> - if_cas: is compiled as a module, Sun hardware, non-x86 only?
>>> - if_gem: is compiled as a module, Apple/Sun, non-x86 only?
>>> - if_hme: is compiled as a module, Sun hardware, non-x86 only?
>> If these aren't for i386 hardware, then why would they need to be in the 
>> i386 GENERIC profile?
> I didn't told they aren't for i386 (Sun and Apple produce(d) x86 hardware). 
> If they would have been non-x86 drivers (I assume you've seen the answer from 
> Marius), the bug would have been that they are build as modules on x86.

Let it go.


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