On Sun, Dec 4, 2011 at 7:01 PM, Roman Kurakin <r...@inse.ru> wrote:
> Christian Laursen wrote:
>> [...]
>> I use CVS myself from time to time, but I see no need for it to be in base
>> for that reason.
> By the way, since there is no way to count +/- I guess the rule "do not
> brake that is working
> or provide a way to do the same" should work. If there is a number of users
> of smth it should
> not be broken. csup/cvsup does not provide the same.

Actually, a whole lot of stuff that was still perfectly useable has
been deprecated over the years. I'm thinking of net/freebsd-uucp
for example.

Instead of moving all this functionality into ports, and therefore
into a rather unstable moving target (how sure are we that the
corresponding distfiles will stay available as long as /usr/src?),
I'd have preferred that it be moved into a dedicated part of the
base tree, e.g. /usr/old (or /usr/deprecated, or /usr/historic,
/usr/vintage, whatever). Therefore, we could simply add /usr/old/bin
to PATH, and link against /usr/old/lib, use headers from
/usr/old/include, have the source in /usr/old/src, and so on.
If you don't want to build the system with that, just add a knob
in /usr/src.conf to exclude /usr/old.

That's the kind of stable system I'd wish for FreeBSD instead
of the current model or slowly eroding functionality and mysteriously
disappearing utilities _and_ source code.

> rik


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