On Tue, Nov 29, 2011 at 12:49 AM, Johan Hendriks <joh.hendr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> al...@stokes.ca schreef:
>> However, programs such as startx and portupgrade are failing with the
>> message "libz.so.5 not found".  I know I can fix this with an evil
>> symlink, but that doesn't seem right, and what else is broken?  Is there
>> not a facility in portupgrade to scan my live dependencies and warn me of
>> breakage?  I have not encountered such a beast in my gleanings to date.
> What you probably did is make delete-old-libs.
> This deletes the old 8.x libs that where used by your ports.
> What you need to do is rebuild all your ports.
> That way they get linked to the proper libs again.
> The next time when you go from one major to another major number eg from 7
> to 8 or from 8 to 9 and so on, is to do the make delete-old-libs step later.
> Then after upgrading, rebuild all your ports, they still work with the old
> libs.
> Once the ports are rebuild against the newer libs then do the make
> delete-old-libs step.
> This is not nessacery when going from a minor number to amother minor
> number. eg from 8.1 to 8.2 and so on.

    In general yes.. but there have been occasions when this was
required with libz...
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