> If FreeBSD starts using numbers for HEAD/CURRENT, i think a lot of users
> would find them selves in a situation
> that they download version 10 in this case and that they are using a
> develepment version instead of a real release version.

Assuming there will be link from main page - probably yes. But if from
official site they can get only RELEASE, and in some deep dark page link to
current - they will not run into this.

> So FreeBSD will get more frustrated users, who need to download the latest
> release again and so on.
> Keeping the name more seperated from the normal numbering prevents this
> more or less.

Hm, what's the problem to name development ISO's differently?
So even very novice user will think twice before downloading.
Is there any reason why ISOs can't be named differently from svn
tag/branch? I don't see this.

IMHO, this must have been done a lot of time ago. But, I may not know some
constraints/restrictions/rules of development process, maybe HEAD is really
I think this is more question to release engineering team than to current.

> Gr
> Johan Hendriks
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