On 10/31/2011 17:22, Adrian Chadd wrote:
> On 31 October 2011 14:52, Doug Barton <do...@freebsd.org> wrote:
>>> The code is a bit messy and it's still a work in progress but I'd
>>> rather tidy it up in -HEAD. Otherwise I'm stuck in the unfortunate
>>> situation of having to keep merging between the if_ath_tx branch and
>>> -HEAD.
>> Is this work that is planned to be migrated to 9.0-RELEASE? If not,
>> shouldn't it wait till after the release?
> Well, it depends on how long 9.0-RELEASE is going to take. If it's
> going to take days, then sure I can wait. But if it's going to take
> weeks, I'll likely _have_ the rest of the if_ath_tx missing pieces
> done and ready for merge into 9.0.
> In any case, I do want to merge the ath 11n stuff into -9, so even if
> it's not done by 9.0, it'll be done shortly after.

Given that RC1 is already out, you should probably check with re@ first.


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