On Mon, 17 Oct 2011, Alexander Yerenkow wrote:

Hello all.
I'm currently made set of scripts, which builds FreeBSD from svn sources,
and packing it in VirtualBox (*.vdi) compatible images.
It's working now, and producing something like

FreeBSD-9-i386-r226409-2011-10-16.vdi.xz (also .vdi, .vdi.zip and plain .img
which can be dd to USB flash).

I'm developing this here:

I have more goals to do (like producing more images, with a installed sets
of packages, like KDE-from-ports, KDE-from-area51, with experimental GEM
drivers etc.)

Excellent! If live CD/memdisk features are added, this could also be useful for testing large xorg port updates before commit.

PS: why bash for cron-auto-action.sh?
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