On Sat, 11 Mar 2000 [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> The latest CTM delta for -CURRENT on ftp.freebsd.org is 4257 (March 
> 6).  Because all of the mirrors for CTM are in countries other than the US, 
> would there be any differences between the deltas they have and the ones 
> that ftp.freebsd.org should have?  (I don't understand this crypto thing 
> all too well.)  Also, is there some reason that CTM deltas aren't on the 
> FTP servers?  The deltas stop at 4257 on one of the mirrors in Taiwan too, 
> and I can't contact either of the other two Taiwanese mirrors or the South 
> African mirror listed on http://www.freebsd.org/handbook/mirrors-ctm.html 
> (the one in Germany is fine, and has all the deltas through 4265 at this 
> point).

So many points to address here ...

1) please, bring ctm problems to the attention of [EMAIL PROTECTED]  If
   you think they are general in nature, you can use ctm-announce, which
   is a public list.  Don't use current, they're mostly uninterested in
   CTM stuff.
2) Archive site has changed, try ftp.freesoftware.com.  You *should*
   have read that on logging into ftp.freebsd.org.
3) I don't see the numbers you see.  On current, the latest delta is
   cvs-cur.6161.gz.  I checked the src-3 one also, in case you maybe
   meant that, it's also a long way off of 4257.  I think you must have
   your numbers messed up; please recheck them.
4) As long as you're not talking about Mark Murray's CTM of int'l
   crypto, there's only *one* source of ctm deltas, and I'm it.  They are
   all now signed with GNU's gpg, and any you get are identically the
   same.  Doesn't matter where you pick them up from.  Most folks
   get them from the mailing lists from [EMAIL PROTECTED]
5) Just checked with the new ftp site; ftp.freesoftware.com isn't
   correctly mirroring ctm deltas.  The other sites are OK.  I'll get
   right on that, thanks for pointing me at it.  The last ctm delta that
   ftp.freesoftware.com has is a week or two old: cvs-cur.6147.gz.

Any more questions, send them to [EMAIL PROTECTED], not this list.

Chuck Robey            | Interests include C & Java programming, FreeBSD,
[EMAIL PROTECTED]  | electronics, communications, and signal processing.

New Year's Resolution:  I will not sphroxify gullible people into looking up
fictitious words in the dictionary.

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