Hello, Freebsd-current.

  Maybe, everything is reported already, but I think, that better I'll
be second, that no-one notice this:

  Manual partitioning chosen

(1) Installer offer me bunch of Partition schemes, but only MBR
and BSD have sense. Why i386 installer offer me PC98 or PowerPC-based
Apple partition schemes?! Why it offer GPT when system doesn't have
UFI BIOS? I could be wrong about GPT, but APT and PC98-based variants
should be disabled even in "Manual mode," IMHO.

(2) MBR Slice creation. Status line suggest "freebsd-ufs" and
"freebsd-swap" as examples for "Type" field (which contains "freebsd"
by default, but "freebsd-ufs" leads to "Error: Invalid argument" :)

(3) "Auto" creates one big / partition + SWAP. It looks very not-BSD
way (disk is only 8Gb, it is virtual machine).

(4) Partition types again: IMHO, drop-down of filesystem types will be
much better. It is not clear, is it possible to type "zfs" here, for

(5) Partition creation dialog has button "Options", but modify dialog

(6) Partition editor main panel:
   (a) Inconsistent sizes display. "ada0" has size "8.0 GB" but "ada0s1"
       has size "8 GB".
   (b) No information about free size on device/slice.

(7) Partition editor doesn't seen existing filesystems and doesn't
warn about parititoning disks with existing filesystems. I have two
(virtual) disks common for all my VMs -- with sources (one common disk
per version) and with some scratch space (common for every my VM),
FSes are created without any partitions or slices, directly on device
nodes (ada1 and ada2). PArtition Editor doesn't have any sign or
warning, that ada1 and ada2 contains valid FreeBSD filesystems.

(8) After "Exit" from Partition Editor I expected some filesystem
options selection (as here is no visible options on partition
creation). NOPE. Also, it is impossible to set mount points
for exisitng filesystems (see above about ada1 and ada2)

(9) Lot of LORs on slice/partition creation and newfs.

(10) Mistype password for Root for second type -- no message about it,
simple "New password:" prompt. It is not obvious, what happens.

(11) No way to mount NFS file systems :)

// Black Lion AKA Lev Serebryakov <l...@freebsd.org>

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