On Fri, 10 Mar 2000, in a never-ending search for enlightenment, Shaun (UNIX) wrote:
> Hello,
> You are using RC3 ? Hmm...I wonder why you are not getting the ATA prob
> problems like alot of us are. What is your system config?
> Yes it is FAST! and I love it....I see that the 64MB memory problem has
> been fix at the install level. 3.x only reads 64MB of RAM at the floppy
> install. 4.0 reads all of my 128MB.
> Cheers
> Shaun
Odd, 3.x always read all of my 128MB. I didn't get any ata probe
problems and didn't read the posts.
I wonder about other nit-picky things, like why is sound.doc (to
which I've seen numorous RTFM references) still written for
configurations under FreeBSD 2.1 ?
> On Thu, 9 Mar 2000, John Reynolds wrote:
> >
> > OK, finally had a chance to frag the hard drive and install 4.0-RC3 from cdrom
> > and see how it went. Here's my observations on the good:
> >
> > 1) On the same hardware as I tested 4.0-RC and 4.0-RC2 on, now I no longer get
> > those "long ATA probes"! This is awesome! Whatever was done, is great, now
> > the machine boots very speedily.
> >
> > 2) The "Standard Installation" is much better than "Novice". It was good to
> > rename this.
> >
> > 3) I chose the "A" option for partition/label and good, reasonable defaults
> > were given to me.
> >
> > 4) The "Standard Install" went flawlessly (despite my best attempts at pilot
> > error :).
> >
> > Now observations on a few nit-picky things:
> >
> > 1) There is a typo (spelling error) in one of the dialogs I was presented. I
> > was trying to force pilot error into the situation :) and got a dialog that
> > contained the following line:
> >
> > "You can also chose "No" at the next prompt and go back into the
> > installation menus to try and retry whichever operations failed."
> >
> > The word "chose" should be "choose." I'd supply a patch, but I only
> > installed kernel source :(
> >
> > 2) Again, while trying to inject pilot error, I created a FreeBSD partition of
> > only 10Mb and gave that as the only slice the Label editor could deal
> > with. When I hit 'A' to have it auto-decide, it came back with a dialog
> > box:
> >
> > "Unable to create root partition. Too big?"
> >
> > I assume by what I gave to it, that it means to say "dummy, you didn't give
> > me a big enough slice with which to work, try again." If that is the case,
> > perhaps a small re-write of the dialog message is in order to help explain
> > what has gone on and a possible course of action to correct the
> > problem--like "give me a larger slice to work with here". In all honesty, I
> > *meant* to create a 10Gb partition and typed so fast that my brain didn't
> > snap that "10M" != "10G" ... and thus I presented a wierd situation to the
> > Label editor.
> >
> > The system is fast, GNOME+E. desktop is usable, kernel config went like a
> > charm. Looks *real* good from where I'm sittin'. Good work to all! Let's ship
> > this puppy. :)
> >
> > -Jr
> >
> > --
> > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> > John Reynolds Chandler Capabilities Engineering, CDS, Intel Corporation
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] My opinions are mine, not Intel's. Running
> > [EMAIL PROTECTED] FreeBSD 3.4-STABLE. FreeBSD: The Power to Serve.
> > http://members.home.com/jjreynold/ Come join us!!! @ http://www.FreeBSD.org/
> > =-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=
> >
> >
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