On Tue, Aug 09, 2011 at 08:31:13AM -0600, Warren Block wrote:
> On Mon, 8 Aug 2011, Kevin Oberman wrote:
> >I think this behavior (already in several Linux distros) is really far more
> >intuitive that the old FreeBSD version, but it is a bit disconcerting at
> >first. It really does not take much to get used to and I think anyone who
> >is either new to Unix or familiar with most Linux distros will be far less
> >confused.
> >
> >For the record,  you change options with <SPC> and <ENTER> accepts
> >the current action button; usually "OK" or "Cancel". <TAB> moves
> >between action buttons.
> The old dialog has a green highlight that shows which button has the 
> current focus.  Space or Enter is effectively a mouse click on the 
> current button.

It might be a different color scheme - when I run dialog it shows the
highlighted button in yellow text on a blue background, while the
unhighlighted button is uncolored.
Thomas E. Dickey

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