Hello Everyone,

The system will successfully boot only if the OS installation is laying on
the second drive or higher (0x81 and more).

Attempting Boot From CD-ROM                                                     
Attempting Boot From Hard Drive (C:)                                            
probe_drive(): drive 0x0: type 0: unit 0: slice 0: part 0:   <-- 0x0 instead of 
0x80 ?                  
gptzfsboot: error 1 lba 32                                                      
gptzfsboot: error 1 lba 1                                                       
probe_drive(): drive 0x81: type 0: unit 1: slice 0: part 0:  <-- already 0x81, 
0x80 is missing                   

BTX loader 1.00  BTX version is 1.02
Console: internal video/keyboard
BIOS drive A: is disk0
BIOS drive C: is disk1
BIOS drive D: is disk2
BIOS 637kB/3658940kB available memory

FreeBSD/x86 ZFS enabled bootstrap loader, Revision 1.1

Even there is no floppy drive on this system, BIOS will report it as drive A.
This will be mapped as 0x80 and gptzfsboot reports error. Next drive to probe
will be 0x81 after zfsboot increments it in line 500. 

Any comments would be appreciated.

Best regards,


On Aug 1, 2011, at 3:07 PM, Christoph Hoffmann wrote:

> Hello,
> The initial reboot followed the installation of ZFS-only version 5/28 system 
> reports error:
> Attempting Boot From Hard Drive (C:)                                          
> gptzfsboot: error 1 lba 32                                                    
> gptzfsboot: error 1 lba 1                                                     
> gptzfsboot: No ZFS pools located, can't boot
> The same installation procedure on older ProLiant with Compaq Smart Array 5i
> do not cause any problems.
> The system has been installed based on FreeBSD 8.2-20110731-SNAP i386 802510.
> The P410i Controller presents two units, and the disk da0 has been 
> partitioned as follow:
> gpart destroy -F /dev/da0
> dd if=/dev/zero of=/dev/da0 bs=1024 count=10000
> gpart create -s GPT /dev/da0
> gpart add -b 32K -s 64K -t freebsd-boot -l disk0boot /dev/da0
> gpart add -s  30G -t freebsd-zfs  -l disk0 /dev/da0
> gpart add -s   4G -t freebsd-swap -l swap0 /dev/da0
> gpart bootcode -b /boot/pmbr -p /boot/gptzfsboot -i 1 /dev/da0
> gpart set -a bootme -i 1 /dev/da0
> Early experimentation show the following footprint:
> Attempting Boot From CD-ROM                                                   
> Attempting Boot From Hard Drive (C:)                                          
> probe_drive(360): drive 0x0: type 0: unit 0: slice 0: part 0:  <-- 
> dsk.drive=0 instead of 0x80 ?
> vdev_probe(): off=16384, sizeof(vdev_phys_t)=114688
> vdev_read_phys(): reading 114688 bytes at 0x4000 to            <-- *buf is 
> empty                             
> gptzfsboot: error 1 lba 32                                     <-- why lba is 
> not zero ?                 
> drvsize(): packet.count=16, off=0, seg=8192, lba=32                           
> drvsize(): dsk->drive=0, type=0, unit=0, slice=0, part=0, init=0, start=0
> vdev_read_phys(): rc from vdev->v_phys_read =4294967295        <-- -1         
> gptzfsboot: error 1 lba 1                                                     
> drvsize(): packet.count=1, off=0, seg=8704, lba=1                             
> drvsize(): dsk->drive=0, type=0, unit=0, slice=0, part=0, init=0, start=0     
> main(): retun from probe_drive(): spa_name=: kname=: drive=0:                 
> probe_drive(360): drive 0x81: type 0: unit 1: slice 0: part 0:  <-- disk da1 
> is empty                 
> vdev_probe(): off=16384, sizeof(vdev_phys_t)=114688                           
> vdev_read_phys(): reading 114688 bytes at 0x4000 to    <-- *buf is empty      
> vdev_read_phys(): rc from vdev->v_phys_read =0                                
> probe_drive(390): drive 0x81: type 0: unit 1: slice 0: part 0:                
> main(): spa_name=, kname=,drive=129:                  <-- da1 (0x81) do not 
> contain any ZFS informations                                 
> gptzfsboot: No ZFS pools located, can't boot                              
> Best regards,
> Christoph
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