
On Mon, Jul 11, 2011 at 5:14 PM, Andriy Gapon <a...@freebsd.org> wrote:
> on 11/07/2011 23:33 Arnaud Lacombe said the following:
>> For the record, I would like to see enforced public review for _every_
>> patch *before* it is checked in, as a strong rule. gcc system is
>> particularly interesting. But it is not likely to happen in FreeBSD
>> where FreeBSD committers are clearly more free than other at
>> checking-in un-publicly-reviewed stuff (especially _bad_ stuff).
>> This would of course apply even to long-time committers, no matter how
>> it hurt their ego (which I definitively do not care about).
> Have you just volunteered to review all of the patches that I would like to
> commit?  And are you prepared to take responsibility for quality of your 
> reviews?
> I am sure that other developers will gladly accept your offer too.
_No-one_ can do all the reviews, especially not me (on a purely
technical level). ACK must come from subsystem maintainers. Having
public review would allow the community review, which is now just not
possible today. As about patches from the maintainer, they might be
committed without his approval, but still sent for review. If a
maintainer goes outside his area, he has to get approval from the
other subsystem maintainer.

 - Arnaud
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