
On Thu, Apr 21, 2011 at 1:31 PM, Garrett Cooper <yaneg...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Although this may not be a list of fixable issues, here are some observations 
> (in part with the new geom raid infrastructure):
> 1. Channels are no longer fixed of course because ata uses cam now, and I 
> believe that device numbering is done based on probe ordering. This is fun to 
> work with when dealing with appliances or configurations that require 
> deterministic probe and mount, especially when drives fail, go missing, etc, 
> but can be hacked around in device.hints. This is why it would be nice for 
> geom labels to work in a sane manner.
Out of context, but the same issue appear with network interfaces. If
you're got 6 networks interface and the 3rd chip die, the 3 last get a
bad numbering. I am not sure it is fixable by any device.hints.

The Linux' world has the same issue (well, worse actually, as all
interfaces uses the same 'eth' name). RedHat has been/will be
introducing "Consistent Network Device Naming"[0,1] in Fedora 15,
which may be an interesting move.

 - Arnaud

[0]: http://domsch.com/linux/lpc2010/lpc2010-network-device-naming.pdf
[1]: http://domsch.com/blog/?p=455
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