Can somebody please confirm that denormal
are not available on ia64, see below.


----- Forwarded message from FX <> -----

> What about denormal?

The FreeBSD manpage for fpsetmask() at says:

>      #define FP_X_DNML             0x02    /* denormal */

so it is, in principle, available. However, looking at the FreeBSD 8 source 
tree, I see for sys/ia64/include/ieeefp.h:

#define FP_X_INV        IA64_FPSR_TRAP_VD /* invalid operation exception */
#define FP_X_DZ         IA64_FPSR_TRAP_ZD /* divide-by-zero exception */
#define FP_X_OFL        IA64_FPSR_TRAP_OD /* overflow exception */
#define FP_X_UFL        IA64_FPSR_TRAP_UD /* underflow exception */
#define FP_X_IMP        IA64_FPSR_TRAP_ID /* imprecise(inexact) exception */

which means underflow is not a supported exception, while it is for amd64:

#define FP_X_DNML       0x02    /* denormal */

and also for i386:

#define FP_X_DNML       0x02    /* denormal */

So, in this case, it's actually an OS issue!


----- End forwarded message -----

Anton Shterenlikht
Room 2.6, Queen's Building
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