On Feb 18, 2011, at 7:46 AM, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:

> On 01/18/11 11:38, Nathan Whitehorn wrote:
>> This plan ensures that we have a minimum of three months of testing of the 
>> new installer on snapshot media before the 9.0 release, which should ensure 
>> a minimum of bugs. I would also like to point out that there are no roads in 
>> this map that end up with us having sysinstall as the default installer past 
>> the 18th of February. After 15 years of sysinstall being "greatly in need of 
>> death", it will finally be time to retire it.
> Today is the 18th of February. Josh Paetzel and I (mostly him) have done a 
> significant amount of infrastructural work required to do the 
> bsdinstall/pc-sysinstall merge, but it is not quite done yet, so I have 
> imported bsdinstall into HEAD with its own backend. As per the original 
> roadmap, we will now continue work on merging (first retaining the bsdinstall 
> partition editor backend combined with the rest of pc-sysinstall) while 
> simultaneously working on release integration and bug fixes for bsdinstall.
> Many thanks to everyone who provided test results and feedback. Recent test 
> ISOs can be found at the BSDInstall wiki page at 
> http://wiki.freebsd.org/BSDInstall for amd64, i386, powerpc, powerpc64, and 
> sparc64.
> -Nathan

I've been following this (and related) threads for months (regarding 
alternatives to sysinstall), and yet I am still hesitant to write this e-mail 
(perhaps unnecessarily-so)(that is to say, that I've been biting our collective 
tongue until now). However, the fact remains that this is perhaps going to 
raise some ire (or perhaps the opposite ... maybe people will like what I have 
to say), and for that I apologize in advance. Okay, here we go.

I -- having a _deep_ love and respect for sysinstall and further having spent 
many years of my life in the deep annals of its twisted home-grown code base -- 
plan to create/manage/maintain a 3rd-party distribution installer that 
continues to use sysinstall to install the later (assumed bsdinstall-based) 
versions of FreeBSD.

There are many reasons for this, and none of them are selfish (although it 
remains possible to drum-up some selfish reason, all of the reasons behind our 
motivation are in-fact unselfish). Truth-be-told, I welcome the replacement of 
sysinstall but am very wary that ANY replacement will be able to exactly 
replicate the hardware compatibility that sysinstall currently enjoys. I do 
indeed envision a great celebration as FreeBSD-9 bucks sysinstall but also at 
the same time have nightmares of receiving waves of calls from people having 
trouble (for example) "installing FreeBSD-9 on their AMD K6 based system, circa 
long-long-ago in a universe far-far-away." (yes, we do have data centers 
running that very equipment with uptime in the 1,000's of days).

This project is simply to give people an alternative as bugs are ironed-out in 
the new installer.

A quick note however... this project will _NOT_ be continued in perpetuity. 
That is to say that I will only offer a sysinstall-based alternative to the 
newest releases using bsdinstall for a limited time. How limited? Until I can 
get our "universal installler" migrated over to the new install platform AND 
prove that said new installer can work on *every* machine that we employ in 
production. That being said, we may be looking at years of offerings (no less 
than one, but beit far-fetched for me to consider maintaining this longer than 
3-4 years; *self-check* I just _know_ I'm going to eat those words some day).

The code to keep this running has already been developed in-house and will be 
published in the next 6 months on http://druidbsd.sourceforge.net/

The long and the short of this is... with a large distribution of over 1,000 
FreeBSD systems running in production (that's an ultra-conservative estimate by 
the way), we will be damned-sad to see sysinstall bite the dust yet eagerly 
await the day we can perform real-world tests with the newer installer -- 
however until then we are fully intending on extending the life of sysinstall 
to service our customer's production-level requirements (sysinstall has served 
us well, so we intend to return the favor by extending its life -- and we hope 
that there are people out there that have the same sentiments about this 
aged-but-rock-solid code).

P.S. Call us luddites, call us slow-movers, but don't call us haters ^_^ (I for 
one welcome our new bsdinstall overlords -- we just need more time for the 
transition but don't want to be pigeon-holed into running FreeBSD-8.x as our 
last production OS simply because the FreeBSD-9 installer is different).

P.P.S. I've got _no_ idea what kind of response I'm going to get from this. But 
(holds up a snifter of sherry), here's to hoping that someone out there will be 
sounding the trumpets in favor of someone willing to carry on the legacy! (hey, 
I'm all for advancement, but there's something to be said for paying homage to 
your roots).

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Devin Teske

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