While this may sound crazy, I was tired of 'which' taking a long
time to complete on my 486 dx4/100 when it was under extereme
pressure, so I rewrote it in C :)
I don't think that it is worthwhile replacing this perl script
with one written in C, but if anyone is interested...
- The overhead of calling perl isn't noticable on most machines
- which(1) isn't exactly something that is executed often
- Many modern shells have which as a shell built-in.
OTOH, that doesn't mean people using /bin/sh should be
- I believe that C is easier to read than perl. Of course,
this is a religous argument of sorts, so I don't think
that this is a reason to replace it :)
IMHO having which be written in C makes it a little bit more
consistent with the rest of the source base, and a useful tool
no longer depends on perl.
You get a larger binary size with C, and have to compile it.
moe% /usr/bin/time ./which perl
0.03 real 0.00 user 0.02 sys
moe% /usr/bin/time which perl
0.13 real 0.08 user 0.03 sys
This version of which has exactly the same behavior.
Also, the above test was not performed when the box was
under load.. and on slower machines/under load, the
differences are of course, more noticable.
You may all go ahead and call me crazy now.
...I've got the fear of posting the source, but what the heck,
getting nitpicked is good education :)
Any flames^Wthoughts?
-Dan Papasian
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