Den 07/12/2010 kl. 10.20 skrev Garrett Cooper:

> On Dec 7, 2010, at 12:26 AM, Mehmet Erol Sanliturk <> 
> wrote:
>> A Dmesg.TXT is attached having a lock order reversal .
>    The mount LOR is well known.

I see that this is the standard response to lot's of LOR reports. It seems to 
be one of the most-reported errors on CURRENT (and it's certainly a loud one), 
but I think a lot of people waste time researching the error and browsing 
Bjoerns LOR page, only to get the above response (not picking on you, Garrett).

Do we have the possibility of silencing well-known and presumably harmless 
LOR's if there isn't sufficient motivation to fix the source?


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