Thierry Herbelot <> a écrit
> "Bjoern A. Zeeb" <> a écrit
> > On Wed, 17 Nov 2010, Thierry Herbelot wrote:
> >
> > Hi,
> >
> > first of all freebsd-virtualization@ is the better list for this; Cc:ed.
> (in fact, I did not know where else to send this message : -net, ... ?
> thanks for the CC)
> > > We are using FreeBSD + VIMAGE at work, and we have seen an annoying
> > > problem : there seems to be a memory leak in the kernel, which
> > > eventually causes a panic.
> > >
> > > (yes, we have seen the following message : "WARNING: VIMAGE
> > > (virtualized network stack) is a highly experimental feature.")
> > >
> > > Configuring a network interface in a jail with vnet enabled, then
> > > removing that jail causes these messages. In dmesg:
> > >
> > > [...]
> > > Freed UMA keg was not empty (203 items). Lost 1 pages of memory.
> > > Freed UMA keg was not empty (36 items). Lost 2 pages of memory.
> > >
> > > The issue happens in a GENERIC FreeBSD 8.1 kernel, with VIMAGE enabled
> > > (with attached VIMAGE kernel config file).
> > >
> > > The following commands reproduce the bug:
> > >
> > > jail -l -u root -c path=/ name=foo persist vnet &&
> > > jexec foo ifconfig lo0 &&
> > > jail -r foo
> > >
> > > Running it too many times exhausts kernel memory and crashes the
> > > machine.
> > >
> > > The probleme is seen on 8.1-release kernel, 8-stable from SVN and SVN
> > > -head.
> >
> > The problem has been present since day 1 and is still present up to
> > HEAD. This is about type stability and teardown. So far we are no
> > able to actually free TCP (and UDP in SVN) states as they might still
> > be accesses after "free". It's a general problem in the network stack
> > and has been implemented as a measure to circumvent panics in those
> > cases.
> >
> > I am not sure if that's actually what's biting you wrt to memory or
> > if it's something else. Unfortunately boot logs and kernel configs
> > don't help much; enable ddb and get show uma and show malloc reports
> > after the crash (or watch vmstat -z and vmstat -m) after every 50 jail
> > restarts. I might have some patches for a couple of things but cannot
> > (yet) help with the additional (duplicate) UMA zones showing up at
> > each iteration (for the -z case).
> The context for our problem is that VIMAGE jails are mant to be used "in
> production" for automated tests, thus are likely to be multiple on one
> physical host, and are likely to be started and stopped according to our
> needs.
> We have tried more "classical" virtualization solutions (qemu, kvm, ... ,
> normal jails with individual FIBs, ...) but only FreeBSD with VIMAGE seems
> to be the correct answer. (for other reasons, an i386 version of the
> kernel must be used)
> The point of my original email was to simplify the configuration for a test
> setup : any machine with the attached configuration file and the above
> sequence of commands creating and deleting jails, running in a loop, will
> eventually panic.
> Anyway, I will follow up with the logs you mentioned.
As promised, here are the full logs (in attachment)
This is a serial console log showing the command loop that triggers the bug on
a debug kernel and ensuing DDB session.
the obvious problem line is :
routetbl 2684 303890K 3469
(further tests showed an increase of the routetbl malloc zone by 4MBytes for
each vnet jail creation/destruction cycle)
> Cheers (and thanks for the quick feedback)
> Thierry Herbelot
> > /bz
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> mailing list
> To unsubscribe, send any mail to ""
[r...@waldorf ~]# while jail -l -u root -c path=/ name=foo persist vnet && jexe
c foo ifconfig lo0 && jail -r foo ; do continue ; done
lock order reversal:
1st 0xc0bed490 allprison (allprison) @ kern/kern_jail.c:914
2nd 0xc0d5c56c vnet_sysinit_sxlock (vnet_sysinit_sxlock) @ net/vnet.c:618
KDB: stack backtrace:
db_trace_self_wrapper(c0ab1220,e9867a08,c05fc285,c05ec9db,c0ab40dc,...) at
kdb_backtrace(c05ec9db,c0ab40dc,c6d2d138,c6d30c88,e9867a64,...) at
_witness_debugger(c0ab40dc,c0d5c56c,c0abf638,c6d30c88,c0abf794,...) at
witness_checkorder(c0d5c56c,1,c0abf78b,26a,0,...) at witness_checkorder+0x839
_sx_slock(c0d5c56c,0,c0abf78b,26a,0,...) at _sx_slock+0x85
vnet_sysinit(c7acf000,c0bb5d00,6180,0,c0b80888,...) at vnet_sysinit+0x2b
vnet_alloc(c6f73028,c0aa9de6,0,10,c0aa5dc0,...) at vnet_alloc+0x9e
kern_jail_set(c77ed000,c767b380,1,c767b380,280930fc,...) at kern_jail_set+0x179a
jail_set(c77ed000,e9867cf8,c0ae5dd0,c0ab4ea5,c77e87f8,...) at jail_set+0x50
syscall(e9867d38) at syscall+0x220
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x20
--- syscall (507, FreeBSD ELF32, jail_set), eip = 0x280eae1b, esp = 0xbf7feb7c,
ebp = 0xbf7fec38 ---
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Freed UMA keg was not empty (203 items). Lost 1 pages of memory.
Freed UMA keg was not empty (36 items). Lost 2 pages of memory.
panic: kmem_malloc(131072): kmem_map too small: 335409152 total allocated
cpuid = 0
KDB: enter: panic
[thread pid 2129 tid 100072 ]
Stopped at kdb_enter+0x3a: movl $0,kdb_why
db> bt
Tracing pid 2129 tid 100072 td 0xc771fc80
kdb_enter(c0aadf11,c0aadf11,c0ad7eba,e95fa94c,0,...) at kdb_enter+0x3a
panic(c0ad7eba,20000,13fdf000,c0ad7eb4,7d0,...) at panic+0x136
kmem_malloc(c149008c,20000,102,e95fa9d8,c082951d,...) at kmem_malloc+0x280
page_alloc(0,20000,e95fa9cb,102,0,...) at page_alloc+0x27
uma_large_malloc(20000,102,102,2,1,...) at uma_large_malloc+0x4d
malloc(20000,c0b90240,102,c0585588,20000,...) at malloc+0x118
flowtable_alloc(c0ac790e,8000,2,0,0,...) at flowtable_alloc+0xee
ip_init(40,c7629dc0,0,e95faa80,c0617807,...) at ip_init+0x330
protosw_init(40,c0b8e754,c0b941b4,c7629dc0,e95faa8c,...) at protosw_init+0x139
domain_init(c0b93f20,e95faaa8,c068bdde,c0b93f20,0,...) at domain_init+0x27
vnet_domain_init(c0b93f20,0,c0abf78b,26a,0,...) at vnet_domain_init+0x11
vnet_sysinit(c718c000,c0bb5d00,6180,0,c0b80888,...) at vnet_sysinit+0x3e
vnet_alloc(c877e028,c0aa9de6,0,10,c0aa5dc0,...) at vnet_alloc+0x9e
kern_jail_set(c771fc80,c7676e80,1,c7676e80,280930fc,...) at kern_jail_set+0x179a
jail_set(c771fc80,e95facf8,c0ae5dd0,c0ab4ea5,c771ad48,...) at jail_set+0x50
syscall(e95fad38) at syscall+0x220
Xint0x80_syscall() at Xint0x80_syscall+0x20
--- syscall (507, FreeBSD ELF32, jail_set), eip = 0x280eae1b, esp = 0xbf7feb7c,
ebp = 0xbf7fec38 ---
db> show uma
Zone Size Used Free Requests
ipq 32 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
rtentry 108 0 72 6
ripcb 220 0 0 0
FFS2 dinode 256 397 83 420
FFS1 dinode 128 0 0 0
FFS inode 116 397 98 420
Mountpoints 644 3 15 3
SWAPMETA 276 0 0 0
ip6flow 64 0 0 0
ip4flow 40 0 0 0
selfd 28 13 622 953
rtentry 108 9 99 9
unpcb 172 4 88 41
ripcb 220 0 0 0
sctp_asconf_ack 24 0 0 0
sctp_asconf 24 0 0 0
sctp_stream_msg_out 64 0 0 0
sctp_readq 76 0 0 0
sctp_chunk 92 0 0 0
sctp_raddr 432 0 0 0
sctp_laddr 24 0 145 3
sctp_asoc 1484 0 0 0
sctp_ep 860 0 0 0
sackhole 20 0 0 0
tcpreass 20 0 0 0
hostcache 76 0 0 0
syncache 112 0 0 0
tcptw 52 0 0 0
tcpcb 632 2 10 2
tcp_inpcb 220 2 34 2
udpcb 8 2 404 215
udp_inpcb 220 2 70 215
ipq 32 0 0 0
socket 412 8 28 405
bridge_rtnode 36 20 283 24
KNOTE 72 0 0 0
itimer 220 0 0 0
ksiginfo 80 56 232 153
pipe 392 0 90 1453
NFSNODE 468 0 0 0
NFSMOUNT 524 0 0 0
DIRHASH 1024 0 48 26
NAMEI 1024 0 48 17675
L VFS Cache 292 0 0 0
S VFS Cache 72 410 226 917
VNODEPOLL 60 0 0 0
VNODE 268 422 68 447
ata_composite 180 0 0 0
ata_request 204 0 190 2955
ttyoutq 256 156 84 420
ttyinq 152 300 168 810
g_bio 140 0 224 15483
mbuf_ext_refcnt 4 0 0 0
mbuf_jumbo_16k 16384 0 0 0
mbuf_jumbo_9k 9216 0 0 0
mbuf_jumbo_page 4096 0 0 0
mbuf_cluster 2048 512 42 512
mbuf 256 1 387 3924
mbuf_packet 256 256 256 1367
audit_record 816 0 0 0
cpuset 40 2 366 148
VMSPACE 236 17 159 2112
SLEEPQUEUE 48 133 221 133
THREAD 636 113 19 113
PROC 680 35 37 2129
MAC labels 20 0 0 0
umtx pi 52 0 0 0
TURNSTILE 72 133 77 133
Files 56 40 563 8850
4096 4096 2534 28 7824
2048 2048 273 109 1052
1024 1024 68 192 3976
512 512 92 76 4304
256 256 904 131 16844
128 128 2546 484 12434
64 64 5488 707 49123
32 32 3077 426 40826
16 16 3258 1005 42186
mt_zone 2056 270 0 270
SG fakepg 76 0 0 0
DP fakepg 76 0 0 0
PDPT 32 137 428 137
MAP ENTRY 72 280 356 51654
KMAP ENTRY 72 59 471 34398
MAP 140 7 21 7
VM OBJECT 136 667 232 27531
128 Bucket 524 93 12 1366
64 Bucket 268 206 18 260
32 Bucket 140 78 34 259
16 Bucket 76 56 44 82
UMA Hash 128 4 26 4
UMA RCntSlabs 544 277 3 277
UMA Slabs 284 5388 16 18442
UMA Zones 888 237 19 1770
UMA Kegs 128 237 33 1770
db> show malloc
Type InUse MemUse Requests
CAM periph 2 1K 12
scsi_cd 0 0K 0
acpicmbat 0 0K 0
$PIR 0 0K 0
acpidev 68 3K 68
CAM SIM 1 1K 1
isofs_mount 0 0K 0
isofs_node 0 0K 0
isadev 8 1K 8
ast_driver 0 0K 0
afd_driver 0 0K 0
nexusdev 4 1K 4
msi 3 1K 3
mptable 0 0K 0
memdesc 1 4K 1
MCA 0 0K 0
acd_driver 1 2K 1
ar_driver 0 0K 6
legacydrv 0 0K 0
io_apic 1 1K 1
ad_driver 1 1K 1
ata_pci 0 0K 0
ata_dma 0 0K 0
ata_generic 2 2K 2
scsi_da 0 0K 0
madt_table 0 0K 0
CAM queue 3 1K 7
GEOM 66 181K 5441
apmdev 2 1K 3
mpt_user 0 0K 0
CAM dev queue 1 1K 1
pfs_vncache 0 0K 0
pfs_nodes 21 3K 21
nullfs_mount 0 0K 0
atkbddev 2 1K 2
nullfs_hash 1 1K 1
vm_pgdata 1 64K 1
nullfs_node 0 0K 0
msdosfs_mount 0 0K 0
msdosfs_fat 0 0K 0
UMAHash 0 0K 0
ufs_mount 6 93K 6
ufs_quota 0 0K 0
ufs_dirhash 9 5K 27
pagedep 1 64K 1
inodedep 1 256K 1
newblk 1 1K 1
bmsafemap 0 0K 0
allocdirect 0 0K 0
indirdep 0 0K 0
allocindir 0 0K 0
freefrag 0 0K 0
freeblks 0 0K 0
freefile 0 0K 0
diradd 0 0K 0
mkdir 0 0K 0
dirrem 0 0K 0
newdirblk 0 0K 0
savedino 0 0K 0
mactemp 0 0K 0
audit_trigger 0 0K 0
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audit_bsm 0 0K 0
audit_cred 0 0K 0
audit_data 0 0K 0
audit_path 0 0K 0
audit_text 0 0K 0
audit_gidset 0 0K 0
rpc 2 5K 2
NLM 0 0K 0
nfss_srvsock 0 0K 0
nfss_srvdesc 0 0K 0
nfss_daemon 0 0K 0
NFS FHA 1 1K 1
nfsclient_lock 0 0K 0
nfsclient_nlminfo 0 0K 0
nfsclient_req 0 0K 0
nfsclient_bigfh 0 0K 0
nfsclient_diroff 0 0K 0
nfsclient_hash 0 0K 0
nfsclient_directio 0 0K 0
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mld 10 2K 83
msdosfs_fileno 0 0K 0
msdosfs_node 0 0K 0
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ip6_msource 0 0K 0
DEVFS 16 1K 17
fragment 0 0K 0
syncache 1 72K 74
tcplog 0 0K 0
hostcache 1 16K 74
sctp_map 0 0K 0
sctp_stri 0 0K 0
sctp_stro 0 0K 0
sctp_aadr 0 0K 0
sctp_a_it 0 0K 103
sctp_atcl 0 0K 0
sctp_atky 0 0K 0
sctp_athm 0 0
sctp_athi 0 0K 0
sctp_stre 0 0K 0
sctp_cmsg 0 0K 0
sctp_cpal 0 0K 0
sctp_vrf 1 1K 74
sctp_ifa 99 13K 223
sctp_ifn 2 1K 75
sctp_timw 0 0K 0
sctp_mvrf 0 0K 0
sctp_iter 0 0K 103
sctp_socko 0 0K 0
encap_export_host 0 0K 0
in_mfilter 0 0K 0
in_multi 2 1K 75
ip_moptions 0 0K 0
ip_msource 0 0K 0
DEVFS2 0 0K 0
DEVFS3 206 26K 330
DEVFS1 190 48K 315
ipid 0 0K 0
igmp 10 2K 83
80211scan 0 0K 0
80211ratectl 0 0K 0
80211power 0 0K 0
80211node 0 0K 0
80211nodeie 0 0K 0
80211mesh 0 0K 0
80211com 0 0K 0
80211dfs 0 0K 0
80211crypto 0 0K 0
80211vap 0 0K 0
vnet 2 1K 75
vnet_data 2 56K 75
vnet_data_free 1 1K 1
routetbl 2684 303890K 3469
CAM ccb queue 0 0K 0
ata_da 0 0K 0
scsi_ch 0 0K 0
mfibuf 0 0K 0
md_disk 0 0K 0
md_sectors 0 0K 0
LED 2 1K 2
kbdmux 7 10K 7
vlan 0 0K 0
tun 0 0K 0
amr 0 0K 0
lltable 23 6K 315
gif 0 0K 0
fw_com 0 0K 0
faith 0 0K 0
arpcom 8 1K 8
epair 4 1K 4
clone 8 32K 81
ifdescr 0 0K 0
ifnet 12 11K 158
ifaddr 93 18K 823
ether_multi 15 1K 600
BPF 10 1K 83
subr_export_host 0 0K 0
mount 50 3K 2211
vnodemarker 0 0K 385
acpisem 15 2K 15
vnodes 2 1K 2
vfs_hash 1 256K 1
export_host 0 0K 0
cl_savebuf 0 0K 0
vfscache 1 512K 1
biobuf 4 8K 6
acl 0 0K 0
soname 3 1K 89
pcb 14 79K 891
ipsbuf 0 0K 0
shmfd 1 4K 1
ksem 1 4K 1
mbuf_tag 0 0K 1
accf 0 0K 0
pts 0 0K 0
tty 36 18K 38
shm 1 12K 1
sem 4 6K 4
msg 4 25K 4
ioctlops 0 0K 13640
select 6 1K 6
iov 1 1K 745
Witness 1 104K 1
iirbuf 0 0K 0
if_fwip 0 0K 0
ata_pmp 0 0K 0
USB 45 68K 46
Unitno 11 1K 403
taskqueue 15 1K 15
stack 0 0K 2
USBdev 29 7K 29
USBHC 0 0K 0
if_fwe 0 0K 0
sglist 0 0K 0
sbuf 0 0K 2741
CAM XPT 12 2K 26
rman 233 15K 683
acpitask 1 1K 1
acpica 3082 163K 65871
Per-cpu 1 1K 1
kobj 255 510K 363
aaccam 0 0K 0
eventhandler 299 11K 299
devstat 32 65K 32
bus 1110 52K 5921
bus-sc 81 171K 2508
fwmem 0 0K 0
SWAP 0 0K 0
p1003.1b 1 1K 1
umtx 132 9K 132
callout 3 768K 3
sysctl 0 0K 1420
sysctloid 4004 122K 4124
sysctltmp 0 0K 535
firewire 0 0K 0
plimit 12 3K 355
uidinfo 2 2K 17
cred 20 2K 10282
pgrp 17 2K 472
session 15 1K 31
proc 2 8K 2
subproc 109 163K 2203
fw_xfer 0 0K 0
osd 0 0K 0
aacbuf 0 0K 0
UART 51 22K 51
mtx_pool 2 8K 2
twe_commands 0 0K 0
module 379 24K 379
twa_commands 0 0K 0
cache 0 0K 0
devbuf 5642 12692K 5728
temp 59 231K 52869
ip6opt 0 0K 0
ip6ndp 11 1K 157
acpipwr 0 0K 0
free 0 0K 0
lockf 14 1K 18
linker 108 4K 110
ddb_capture 1 48K 1
KTRACE 100 13K 100
ciss_data 0 0K 0
entropy 1024 64K 1024
prison 1 2K 74
ithread 99 8K 99
PUC 8 2K 8
Fail Points 0 0K 0
zombie 0 0K 0
proc-args 17 1K 771
ppbusdev 3 1K 3
kqueue 0 0K 0
kenv 79 7K 83
filedesc 40 14K 2572
filedesc_to_leader 0 0K 0
sigio 1 1K 1
acpi_perf 4 1K 4
tty console 0 0K 0
cdev 9 2K 9
pci_link 16 2K 16
SCSI sa 0 0K 0
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