On 19 Oct 2010, at 10:15, István wrote:

> wow, you go the point after couple of emails. better later than never, huh :)

You sure are an amusing guy. Rude, but amusing :-)

> you think adding pgsql to wheel might help? cc freebsd-security@ and see 
> their opinion about the topic.

dof needs to inject the probes in /dev/dtrace/helper, so the user needs rw 
access to the /dev/dtrace/helper. I specifically added write access to the 
wheel group for this.

> i modified the permission of /dev/dtrace/helper instead but it gives the 
> following error still:
> dtrace DOF postgres: DTrace ioctl failed for DOF at 0x801c35000: Invalid 
> argument

This error usually means that there were no probes found in dof section of the 
binary. Somehow they were not inserted correctly during the build stage.

> do you mean /usr/ports/databases/postgresql90-server?


> I was rebuilding it with that switch, what now?

Send me the build log, gzipped.

Rui Paulo

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