On 2010-Oct-13 22:59:39 +0000, Darren Reed <darr...@fastmail.net> wrote:
>As another body that today bought a 2TB HDD, I can confirm the presence
>of kernel messages relating to READ_DMA48 with FreeBSD 8.
>The drive in question is a Hitachi one, not a Samsung.
>Is it the drive, system or operating system?

You'll need to provide some more details such as how old your FreeBSD
8 is, drive model number, controller details and the actual error
message you are getting.

I recently bought a Hitachi Deskstar 7K2000, which is sitting in an
Astone enclosure (identifying as "Sunplus Technology Co.,Ltd.").
Unfortunately, I'm limited to USB2 whilst I wait for the correct eSATA
adapter.  Whilst the first disk was DOA, its replacement is running
perfectly (though slowly) with my 2-week-old FreeBSD 8.1-stable.  In
particular, one of the first tests I did was to write a pseudo-random
sequence over the entire surface and then verify it to ensure that all
sectors are uniquely addressable.

Peter Jeremy

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