
* Andre Oppermann <> wrote:
> A splay tree is an interesting binary search tree with insertion,
> lookup and removal performed in O(log n) *amortized* time.  With
> the *amortized* time being the crucial difference to other binary trees.
> On every access *including* lookup it rotates the tree to make the
> just found element the new root node.  For all gory details see:

Even though a red-black tree is quite good since it guarantees a $2 \log
n$ upperbound, the problem is that it's quite computationally intensive.

Maybe it would be worth looking at other types of balanced trees? For
example, another type of tree which has only $O(\log n)$ amortized
insertion/removal/lookup time, but could already be a lot better in
practice, is a Treap.

 Ed Schouten <>

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